
Lifestyle Newborn FAQs

Considering lifestyle family newborn photos? The most common questions I get about them are answered for you here!

faq: lifestyle family newborn sessions
how to prepare for newborn photos at home
lifestyle photography is for everyone
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I'm ashley!

I'm a newborn and family photographer based in Tacoma, WA. I love working with new and growing laid-back families who are comfortable with the imperfect and love doing life with their people.


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Lifestyle newborn family photos are the perfect way to capture this incredibly special, yet very short phase. If you’ve never invited a photographer to come into your home for a newborn family photo session, you may have questions about how exactly that will go and what to expect.

I’ve compiled a list of questions I commonly get + my answers to help you prepare for your lifestyle newborn photo session.

Where will lifestyle family newborn photos be taken?

Your home! I don’t currently offer newborn sessions in a studio. Your home is the perfect place for your newborn’s first photo shoot. Not only is it a place you are comfortable in, but it is the place that will give the most authentic look into those early days with your new baby.

What rooms in our home will we take photos?

When I first arrive, I’ll ask for a quick tour to see what rooms will be best to spend our time in. I’m looking for good window light and space to include everyone.

There are a few places that almost always work for us to take the majority of the photos:

  • Nursery (if finished)
  • Master bedroom or guest bedroom
  • Living room or other common space

Psst: I contributed to an article at Rent. that gives tips for decorating an apartment nursery, but they apply to those that own their home as well! Check it out here:

Nursery Decor Ideas for Apartment Dwellers

We don’t have a finished nursery – is that required for lifestyle family newborn photos?

Not at all! We don’t need the nursery to get completely adorable pictures of baby and the rest of the family.

Mom standing holding her baby girl in nursery for Puyallup newborn photos

How long will our lifestyle family newborn session take?

I aim to keep in home newborn sessions super simple. You can expect a very laid back hour or two with me as I document all of the details for you. The baby is the star of the show and also the director during our time together. If they need a break to eat, we will do just that, and as many times as necessary. I do not come with a specific amount of time I plan on spending taking photos, but rest assured I will stay long enough to get a variety of images.

Will you be putting the baby into different poses or using props?

I don’t bring any props with me and I don’t mold the baby into any specific poses (there is nothing wrong with doing so, it’s just not my style!).

If you have special items that you’d like the baby photographed with or in, we can definitely try to incorporate those into the flow of our session together.

We haven’t had a chance to clean since we brought our baby home, is that a problem for in home lifestyle newborn photos?

First, welcome to the club of having kids (it’s the best club!) and second, not to worry! Things can easily be moved out of the way. The ‘stuff’ is not the focus, and we will make it work!

What if my other children don’t cooperate with photos?

The thought of your other kids not wanting to participate can be a big stressor. But, I’m here to reassure you that it won’t be a problem. Older kids usually do just fine, but the beloved, spunky toddlers can be quite particular about what they will do, right?

The beautiful thing about taking these photos in your home is that it’s a place they’re comfortable in which is a huge benefit. Once they get over the “who is this person?” thoughts, they will generally warm up to participating in a handful of shots interacting with baby + parents.

Our parents would like to be there during the photo shoot. Will it be possible to include them in some of the photos?

Absolutely! I LOVE getting grandparents into the mix. AND, they are usually a huge help with wrangling other kiddos.

How long will it take to get our final gallery of photos?

After we’ve wrapped up, I’ll carefully go through your session for all of the keepers and edit the photos that you’ll receive in your final gallery. You can expect to get the link to your gallery about 2 weeks after your session. In the meantime, keep soaking up those newborn snuggles because they sure don’t last long <3

What all is included with the session fee for a lifestyle family newborn photo shoot?

The time for session and all of the digital files are included. You will receive a gallery of at least 40 finalized images (usually many more!) in a private online gallery that is shareable if you choose.

Do you offer album and printing services?

I sure do! When you get the link to your final gallery, there will be a place to visit the print store where you can order right from there. The prints and products are processed through a professional photo lab and send directly to your door!

Have more questions? I’d love to hear them!

We can schedule a time for a quick phone call or you can use my contact form to send me an email

Ask Away!


More resources for you about lifestyle newborn family sessions:

Ready to get a session booked? Click below to get started!

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Ashley Morrisey

Tacoma-based lifestyle newborn and family photographer serving South Puget Sound + greater PNW


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